What your business needs to become more sustainable
Measure your status
Measure your sustainability through a trusted Assessment specific to your industry, size and sector. Learn on esg for small business and what ESG topics are relevant to your business and gain insight in hours instead of weeks.
Based on global standards and regulations, such as the SDGs, GRI, CSRD and EU Taxonomy
Objective Assessment with relevant data points
Identify your company’s relevant ESG themes. Need help? Our sustainability experts are here to support you
Receive direct insights into how your company can improve its sustainability efforts.
Calculate your emissions
Calculate your CO2 emissions with our CO2 Calculator. Get insight into your Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Draw up your CO2 reduction plan and use our Offsetting to make an immediate impact. Compensate transparently and receive audit-proof certificates from credit registries.
Progress over time
Emissions by category
Verified carbon offsetting
Auditable carbon certificates
Formulate your strategy
Discover what ESG means to your (small) business and identify opportunities and risks. Build a realistic strategy that you can execute with your team. Turn sustainability into an advantage.
Select ESG themes material to your business
Set KPIs and deadlines
Allocate responsibility in your team
Use readily available templates, policy documents and downloads
Not sure what’s best for your business?
Schedule a conversation with us for an introduction, no strings attached.
Book a meeting
Enhance business value
Building a sustainable business enhances its business value.
Makes it future-proof
Supports financing projects
Supports stakeholder relationships
Support due diligence and shareholder valuations
Communicate your progress
Export reports and scorecards to demonstrate your progress over time. Keep stakeholders informed and up-to-date while your sustainability journey is underway.
Improve commercial traction
Eases talent acquisition
Build a sustainable brand
Remain a step ahead
Become part of the solution
Eevery offers a complete sustainability solution at an attractive price. Contact us now for an introduction, no strings attached. Begin your ESG journey today.
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